ANATEL, Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (the National Telecommunications Agency), regulates telecommunications, post, and broadcasting in Brazil. ANATEL certification is mandatory for telecommunication products. Key points of ANATEL CERTIFICATION Mandatory All process takes 2-3 months In-country testing required A local representative required Factory inspection required one-year to permanent one-year to permanent […]

What is Chile SUBTEL? Subtel certification is the mandatory approval issued by the Chilean authority Subsecretaria de Telecomunicaciones (SUBTEL). Electronic products with radio/wireless technologies are required to get SUBTEL certificate in Chile. The key points of SUBTEL 4-6 weeks for the whole process of SUBTEL certification No local testing required

What is Ecuador ARCOTEL Type Approval? ARCOTEL refers to Agencia de Regulacion y Control de las Telecomunicaciones (The Telecommunications Regulatory and Control Agency), regulating telecommunications in Ecuador, and managing the radio spectrum. What products are required to get ARCOTEL type approval? All products connected to the public phone system and

What is Argentina Enacom approval? The Argentinian authority ENACOM (Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones) is the Argentina Telecom Regulatory Authority. In Argentina, ENACOM type approval and certification are required mandatorily for products with technologies such as radio frequency, cellular, or satellite. Key points of Argentina telecom/ENACOM Approval In-county testing/local testing required

CRC Type Approval or CRC homologation in Colombia CRC certification CRC (Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones) is the telecommunications regulating agency in Colombia. CRC type approval is voluntary for telecom equipment without voice communication functions. simply obtain a “Letter of Voluntary Approval” from the CRC, in which they state that

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